

29 Aralık 2010 Çarşamba

Wedding Anniversary Post-Listening Question

Imagine that you have been married exactly one year. Plan the ideal date to celebrate your wedding anniversary. Use the Internet to find the perfect gift and an expensive restaurant in your area. What if your partner forgot your wedding anniversary, how would you react? Discuss your findings with a partner.

I'd feel like telling him he did so much preparation, but a few hours before üzerdi forgets to remind me something I would really looked at the calendar I used to imply something

New vocabulary
negotiate: Görüşmek
icicles: Buz sarkıtları
huge raise: büyük yükseltmek

Wedding Anniversary Question

1. What is the problem at the beginning of the conversation?
A. The man forgot to buy his wife's favorite flowers.
B. The man didn't remember their anniversary.

C. The man didn't take his wife out last week.
2. Which sentence describes the wife's ideal vacation at the beginning of the conversation?
A. a cruise to faraway exotic places
B. a week alone at a hot springs resort
C. comfortable days at high-class accommodations
3. Why does the woman want a new kitchen range?
A. Her current stove isn't working properly.
B. The kitchen stove burns the woman's meals.
C. The kitchen range is too small for the family.

4. Why does the woman want more clothing?
A. She needs smaller sizes because she has lost weight.
B. She wants more comfortable clothing for the winter.
C. She is tired of wearing old, used clothing.
5. What does the woman suggest doing before they plan their trip?
A. talk with friends about the trip
B. have a light lunchC. buy some travel books

Wedding Anniversary Pre-Listenig Question

What are some common ways to celebrate wedding anniversaries? What do people do, where do they go, and what gifts to they buy for their spouses?

--I think of how much they love each other spouses say they are not important enough, but if the financial value of gifts they want to get the moral of the important things which can take a romantic dinner or prepare a very nice place to get roses adorn the candles.

Paranting Post-Listening Question And Answer

-Parenting is one job people take on without any experience. It is not like working at a restaurant. Therefore, in what ways can new parents prepare for the new adventure as parents? What challenges do parents face in raising and caring for new infants, toddlers, teenagers, and even adult children?

-We teach our kids the skills to solving their own problems starting from when they are small.

New Vocabulary
rescue : kurtarma
wrecked : mahvolmuş

Listening Questions

1. Where does this conversation take place?
A. at the girl's dormitory
B. at their home

C. in the car
2. What might have happened to the family car?
A. The woman drove it into some deep water.
B. Some people stole the vehicle by the lake.
C. The man's daughter hit a tree on a picnic.

3. The father's computer is currently ____________.
A. in a repair shop after the woman dumped water on it
B. being stored safely in the vehicle by the lake
C. in serious trouble unless in is in a waterproof container
4. The man's daughter might have been dating a man who was ___________.
A. majoring in criminal justice at the university
B. or will be involved in some illegal activityC. working as an officer in a police gang unit

5. From the conversation, the father's best course of action in the next 20 minutes is to ____________.
A. sit on his front porch and watch the sunset
B. plant some new sunflowers in his yard
C. jump in his car and leave home or call the police

Parenting Pre-Listening Questions and answers

What are some of the greatest challenges that face parents when raising children in today's world? What are some specific challenges or issues dealing with child rearing that are unique to your culture or part of the world (e.g., education, freedom, religion, dress, discipline, etc.)?
--Great effort and patience to raise children. This is really a very difficult time. All the time to separate your child . I think, should give a good education in the discipline. self-confident, self-sacrificing to train an individual to give honest, hard working.

23 Aralık 2010 Perşembe

Chapter 10-11-12-13

shallow :  sığ
support: : destek
thundering : gürleyen
drop : damla
hesitate : tereddüt
madman: deli
instead: yerine
enourmus: devasa büyüklükte
creature: yaratık
reach: ulaşmak
cruel: zalim
appeared: çık
mistake:  hata
pavement: kaldırım
matter: madde
pile: kazık
dozen: düzine
I bought three dozen pencil.
His father is cruel man.
I fall in pavement so I broke my leg.
I saw enourmus dinosaur in the movie.
I swam ocean but I swam shallow.
Computer mistaked.

21 Aralık 2010 Salı


I went to home (Kütahya) at thursday. My boyfriend and I went to cinema . We watched "Av Mevsimi". The movie is very interesting. Subject of the movie during a murder investigation, the police story of three lives are turned upside down. My favorite actor in the film, so I went and played really very impressed with the single word.My favorite actor name is Şener Şen. We had a very nice time with my boyfriend.We had lots fun. We liked it. Then we ate dinner together with my love. Time had passed very quickly.

17 Aralık 2010 Cuma

C.Pick a listening from the health page that you are interested in - write a short summary in your blog

Haiti's Cholera Outbreak Puts Pressure on Capital
Cholera causes diarrhea and vomiting. It robs the body of fluids. People can get cholera if they eat foods or drink liquids containing the bacteria that cause the infection.Cholera is not hard to treat. Basically, patients drink a solution of salt, sugar and water.The earthquake in January displaced large numbers of people. It forced them into crowded, dirty conditions in tent camps -- in other words, the perfect environment for cholera.The outbreak in Haiti has already killed several hundred people. The country's last major outbreak of the disease was more than one hundred years ago.People are being urged to wash their hands carefully with soap and purified water after using the toilet or changing a baby's diaper. The same advice goes for before eating, and before and after preparing food. If no soap is available, then ash can be used instead.
 They live under very difficult conditions so it should help them.I think,people should be encouraged and cleaning should be taught to people.

Listening Report III

B.What You Can Do To Reduce the Risk of Getting Hepatits
1.Where is the liver?
-The liver is in the upper right part of the stomach.
2.What is its job?
-It has a big job. The liver helps clean the blood and fight infection. It also helps break down food and store energy until the body needs it.
3.What does hepatits do?
-Hepatitis destroys liver cells. Some kinds of hepatitis are much more serious than others.
4.What are the antibodies?
-Antibodies are special proteins that the body's natural defenses against disease produce in answer to a threat. Identify the antibody and you identify the threat.
5.How is Hepatitis æ spread? What are the symptoms  is someone has hepatitis?
-Hepatitis A is usually spread through human waste in water or food.The hepatitis A virus causes high body temperature, pain and weakness. It causes problems with the stomach and intestines, making it difficult to eat or break down food.
6.How can someone prevent and project from getting hepatitis?
-To help prevent the spread of hepatitis A, people should wash their hands after they use the restroom or change a baby's diaper. People should also wash their hands before they eat or prepare food.
7-Hepatitis A is found in which countries?
-Hepatitis A is often found in Africa, Asia and Central and South America.
8.How many people have Hepatitis B?
-The World Health Organization says as many as two billion people are infected with the hepatitis B virus.
9.How many people die each year from Hepatitis B?
-WHO officials say an estimated six hundred thousand people die each year as a result of hepatitis B.
10.How affective is the Hepatitis ?
-The W-H-O says the vaccine is ninety-five percent effective in preventing the development of infection.
11.How can someone get infected with Hepatitis B?
-Hepatitis B spreads when blood from an infected person enters the body of another person. An infected mother can infect her baby. The virus can also spread through sexual activity, and if people share injection devices.
12.Who is most likely to develop a life-long infection with Hepatisis B?Young children are the ones most likely to develop a chronic or lifelong infection13.How does Hepatisis C spread?
It spreads when blood from an infected person enters someone who is not infected.
14.About how many people have hepatisis C?
About one hundred seventy million people are infected with hepatitis C.
15.Where are the highest rates of infection?The highest rates of infection are in Africa, Asia, and Central and South America.16.When was the highest rates of infection?
 The hepatitis C virus was first observed in nineteen seventy-four.
17.When was it recognized as a virus?It recognized was  nineteen eighty-nine.18.How many american have hepatitis C ?
 Three million Americans are infected with hepatitis C.
19.How do you get hepatitis D?What's the best way to prevent it?Hepatitis D is spread through blood, but only infects people who already have Hepatitis B.Doctors say the best way to prevent hepatitis D is to get vaccine that protects against hepatitis B.
20.How do you get hepatisis E? When was it recognized as a seperate disease?Experts say it spreads the same way as hepatitis A -- through infectious waste. Cases often result from polluted drinking water. Medical science recognized hepatitis E as a separate disease in nineteen eighty.
21.Where has this type of hepatisis been found? Is there a vaccine?The WHO says many hepatitis E cases have been reported in Central and Southeast Asia, North and West Africa and Mexico. No vaccines or medicines are effective against hepatitis E.
22.When was hepatisis G discovered?
It discovered  in the nineteen nineties
23.Can hepatisis be cured.?
No, it cant.
24.What are some basic ways you can protect yourselves from hepatisis?
The only way to protect against infection is to receive vaccines against hepatitis A and B, and to avoid contact with the other viruses.Some kinds of hepatitis spread through sex or sharing needles. Blood products should be carefully tested for hepatitis.
25.Should people with hepatisis donate their organ.? Why?
 People in high-risk groups and those who have had hepatitis should not give blood. They also should not agree to leave their organs to others after they die. Donated organs can also spread hepatitis.

13 Aralık 2010 Pazartesi


A.  Prevantion,
1-   What day is World Aids Day?
-Wednesday is December first, World AIDS Day
2.   Are the number of Aids-Related deaths increasing or decrasing?
-The number of AIDS-related deaths and the number of new infections are both decreasing.
3.The latest UNAIDS report says new HIV infections have fallen almost twenty percent in the last ten years.
4. Which populations are most at risk?
-The populations most at risk are also those who have the least access to services. These populations include sex workers, drug users and homosexual men.
5.In other news,how many non-smokers have died as result of second hand smoke?
In other health news, a new study has found that one in every one hundred deaths in the world is caused by other people smoking.
Researchers found that more than six hundred thousand non-smokers died in two thousand four. They say the deaths were from diseases and infections caused by secondhand smoke, also known as passive smoking.


12 Aralık 2010 Pazar


I went to my uncle house in saturday.It snow in İstanbul so crowded traffic. I felt very bad because I bored in traffic. Snow is nice. Than we go to Cevahir. I did shopping and I bought new sweater and pants. I drunk coffee. Cevahir is hot but it was cold ouitside. Weekend was good. I visited my relations.I love my cousin and uncle. Than my little cousin went to playground wtih me.(My little cousin name is Bengisu.She is three years old.)She was swing and slide. We had a great time and  had a dinner together.

5 Aralık 2010 Pazar

The Body Chapter 7-8-9

         Chris has a gun.His father drunk a lot of alchol so he slept and then he has stolen it from his father.
Tedy is stupid.beause he waited to come the train way,he is crazy.Gordie thinks.Tedy is a stupidman.Tedy is a helpful because he pushed Teddy the train Crish is a crazy because he stole a gun from his father. As the boys set off on their trip, they realize that they have forgotten take some food.They decided to chose someone to get something.Four of them had tails.

New Worlds

puke : kusmak
alley: dar sokak
bullet: kurşun
rotten: çürümüş
innocent: masum
tracks: raylar
slap: tokat
dump: çöplük
calm: rahatlamak
tap: musluk
odd: değişik
had tails: yazı tura

-The bullet injured patients.
-His father slapped him.Because he stolen his father's money.
-New born baby is very innocent.
-ıghhkk. smells bad. There have dumps.
-Finished the exams so calms.

4 Aralık 2010 Cumartesi

Summary of the listening

Ronald Schuller called  Dr. Carter's Office and talked receptionist. He wants make an appoinment because spend accident in his house two days ago. Receptionist said" What is the nature visit your visit?" He answered "Well, to tell the truth, I fell from a ladder two days ago while painting my house, and I sprained  my ankle when my foot landed in a paint can. I suffered a few scratches on my hands and knees, but I'm most concerned that the swelling in my ankle hasn't gone down yet ." Then receptionist said "Please come in today. I don't think your case can wait."

Listening Report

Prep-listening answers

What are some of the most common problems for which people go to a doctor when seeking medical advice and an examination?Do you ever look for medical advice or medication online?
          People have a disease go to a doctor .The most common problems are flu, chronic disease,diabetes.Doctors are knowledgeable. I don't look for medical advice.

Post-listening answers

What are you major concerns in visiting medical facilities, for example, a doctor's office or a hospital, in a foreign country?
I think major concern misdiagnosed and you don't understand me.

What differences have you noticed in the medical care, facilities, and attitudes of doctors and nurses towards patients in comparison with those in your own country?

In my own country ,doctors don't understand patient and solid act.Sometimes doctors inadequate. Nurses seem mechanical .They don't speak patient and understand patients.

3 Aralık 2010 Cuma


We had got an exam so we were need to study very hard. I was busy very much. I didn't find myself. This week was very boring. I tired very much. I have a lot homework ... Exam is very hard. I memorized a lot new things.  I don't learned latin. I hate went to school because I didn't listen lesson.